
Yet Another New Poem

Comments and criticism very welcome. You do not have to be a member to comment.

A Car Ride

She listens to bland music
Riding in the car back home
The kind of music
Which drives men to seats
Erupting long stares
At the plaster on the wall
Or maybe, out of a car window
At night as yellow streetlights
Move like stars briefly lighting
The car and couple returning home.
She drives, the radio drones,
And he watches light-speed
In the white lane marks
Wondering about movement
And whether the world moves
Around him
As if he was perpetually
On a treadmill watching scenery
Drift slowly by inanimately
Or if things are as they seem
And he is insignificant
To the world outside
The four wheeled vessel
Traveling along a stationary road
Late at night.

© Liam Elliot 2007. All Rights Reserved.

Ta for reading.


1 comment:

Casey J said...

I really like this:

She drives, the radio drones,
And he watches light-speed
In the white lane marks
Wondering about movement
And whether the world moves
Around him

I guess one day we will actually know. Maybe it's both. iloveyou