
Some new poetry

Please reply with comments. Feedback and criticism very welcome.

The Invisible Man

An invisible man sits forgotten
A dull look pasted to his face
As visible people tell him
That they love him
Want to bear him up
Above the crowds
Proclaim him as God—
Savior for those who cry
Acid reflex out sieve hearts
Dripping all over their melting existence
But how can they promise
When they cannot see him?

He wants to build a masterpiece
He wants the angels to sing praises
To his Dynasty – a man turned demigod
He wants his mentality to match
His over grown body
Which towers over the mortals
Not straining in its own weakness
As he carries a body too big
For one invisible man to carry.

ⓒ Liam Elliott 2007. All Rights Reserved.

I was going to post more but I am just barely happy enough with this one.

Ill keep you you people who dont read this shit informed somehow haha.



Snow Melter

Snow Melter

There are
Three thousand
Eight hundred
And twentyfour
Houses in this neighborhood
And I found
The one home
That houses
The girl who makes the snow melt
In between
Winter and Spring.

ⓒ 2007 Liam Elliott. All Rights Reserved.


Photography as Promised

I have older shots that are already floating about so I figured I will post my most recent favorite shot. I actually shot a whole roll of slide film that night but of the 4 pictures I decided to get printed this was the only one that actually come out.


Its a thumbnail so click to enlarge.

Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at Photobucket

&copy Liam Elliott 2007. All Rights Reserved.


City Limits

City Limits
By Liam Elliott

The sky looks like an old painting
Done by a forgotten artist of sorts;
Maybe a Van Gogh or a Picasso
Before the schizophrenia set in.
And beneath the picturesque sky
Is a little village made out of plasticine
Built by a meticulous five year old
With no friends—
Except the inhabitants of the small village
Always smiling at him unlike his parents
Who’s faces droop towards the ground
Like old dogs waiting for their master to die
So they can urinate on the floor and eat shoes
Unfettered from angry feet kicking their bellies.
This is the world we all want to live in
But will not take steps to build.

© 2007 Liam Elliott. All RIghts Reserved.